speak in tongues by -Marizelle- 2012/11/19 17:36
Another wonderful gift that God has given us, is to speak in tongues. And it's by no means stopped by distance, time or knowledge. When you pray in tongues, you might pray for your future or even for your loved one. You’ll never know what you pray, until God revealed. That’s because your knowledge but your mind is not at all involved infertile. And therefore it is not necessary for you to know that you pray but trust God that He has a plan for your life. Beloved, you do not belong to the natural limits realm. You belong to God who is unlimited, infinite and therefore if you do not speak in tongues, pray to God and ask Him to baptize you with the Holy Spirit, His time is restricted, so that you can speak in tongues and large things happening in your life
The_Torpid 2012/11/20 03:24
/smiley -goodpost- Inspiring Thoughts As Always!!!
_Sid_ 2012/11/19 18:20
Hareesh 2012/11/20 02:19

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/20 14:43
i do speak in tongues when i meet a girl for d 1st n dn't know what to say..lol
KingFISHER 2012/12/01 18:08
We sud use tongue for true purpose.
Rango 2012/12/01 19:45
Thanks sis
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