~Happy Birthday to You ~ by KingFISHER 2012/11/16 03:41
Hi 2waperz! trakkerterrorist goingng to celebrate her birthday on 17th November 2012. So, here u can post your best wishes

-birthday2- to YOU ! -birthday- many many happy returns of the day -birthday-.

jamella16 2012/11/16 03:49
Happy birthday trakkerterrorist...may you have all the best in life.. God bless you!
Sumita 2012/11/16 03:52
happi bday 2 u /smiley
-Marizelle- 2012/11/16 03:54
Happy birthday in advance/smiley Have a blessed day and year ahead

mary 2012/11/16 03:59
Happy /smiley
-mUmBai_iNdIaNs- 2012/11/16 04:04
.hbd. dear .chmak.
The_Torpid 2012/11/16 04:21
Hey Traker,Happy Birthday Bro!!/smiley Have A Blast On The Ocassion!!God Bless U!!/smiley(arijeet)
Meer@.gupta 2012/11/16 04:38
Quote: jamella16: Happy birthday trakkerterrorist...may you have all the best in life.. God bless you!
happy birthday.

Marlou 2012/11/16 05:17
/smiley happy birthday to u.
Hareesh 2012/11/16 06:22
Hareesh 2012/11/16 06:24
saahir 2012/11/16 07:02
-happy- bIrTh -night- DaY *** 2 *** YOU
MAHESH_K 2012/11/16 07:27
Happy b'day to u sisy /smiley Enjoy........run.
Cutegurl 2012/11/16 07:31
Happy born day /smiley
HandsomeDon 2012/11/16 07:54
happy birthday to you /smiley/smiley(birthday)
jaQui 2012/11/16 11:28
H B D 2 U TRAK .group.
skyliner 2012/11/16 13:14
happy b-day..more years to celebrate..and more blessings to cum..
____THe.bosS 2012/11/16 13:15
Wish you a very Happy birthday tracker /smiley may god give you all the happiness in your life
trakkerterrorist 2012/11/16 18:16
thanks, tomorrow i will be 34years old, old crap homie.
yemadep 2012/11/16 19:24
Happy birthday o o o.
NinthElement 2012/11/17 00:56
Happy Birthday Satu /smiley Have an awesome day and a year to remember. /smiley
Replies: 29

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