Swami vivekananda by
Hareesh 2012/11/14 02:16
We want to worship a living god.I hv seen nthng but God all my life, nor hv u.
To see this chair u first see god, nd then the chair in and through him. He is every where saying, "i am" .The moment u feel
"i am", u r conscious of existence. where shall we go 2 find god if we cannot see him in our own Hearts nd in every living being ? "Thou art the man, Thou art the woman, Thou art the girl, nd Thou art the boy.
Thou art the old man tottering with a stick. Thou art the young man walking in the pride of his strength. "Thou art all that exists, a wonderful living god who is the only fact in the universe.'
cruelelf 2012/11/14 03:00
tht's gud.,thx
The_Torpid 2012/11/14 05:08
Good Man Swami Vivekanand!!-goodpost- +1!!
Hareesh 2012/11/14 11:48
Thank u bro
skyliner 2012/11/14 12:33
very nice and inspiring ..keep it up my brother
Hareesh 2012/11/14 14:08
thank q sis
Dr.rahul 2012/11/14 14:10
Great . . Bro. . .
Fantasy 2012/11/15 08:00
same as swami vivekanand...
Tinky 2012/11/15 17:24
Wow u toke my breath away my frnd.u r pretty good.
Trax 2012/11/17 08:51
Ya., he's a great man !
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