Keep smiling by saahir 2012/11/09 16:30
Adorn your lips with smile,
Change your looks,
Have a look around,
Look at the twinkling stars,
Sunset and when it shines,
Just see how the people stare,
When you walk around,
Change your view,
Remove wrinkles from your forehead,
When someone follows you,
Keep smiling always,
It will change your life..

jamella16 2012/11/09 16:41
a smile can brighten up your day as well as of those around just keep smiling/smiley
ZaraZayyan 2012/11/09 18:06
wow.. it sawesoe
Meer@.gupta 2012/11/09 18:28
Quote: jamella16: a smile can brighten up your day as well as of those around just keep smiling/smiley
Quote: mno: yes.. Keep smiling.
keep smiling /smiley

jaQui 2012/11/09 18:43
,Great t0pic!:-/
Doncle 2012/11/09 18:52
just like am smiling
dim_star 2012/11/09 18:53
i always like post
-Marizelle- 2012/11/09 19:37

Waves 2012/11/09 21:18
Thats y i always smile
mary 2012/11/10 03:04
i'm always /smiley
KingFISHER 2012/11/10 05:58
To keep smiling doesnt need money, doesnt waste time,doesnt burn energy bt smile can save all of those.
____THe.bosS 2012/11/12 12:49
Nice topic
Fantasy 2012/11/12 17:07
Smile is keep u n whole surrounding healthy ..very nice
Lotus 2012/11/12 17:34
everytime i smile~ /smiley
Lotus 2012/11/12 18:26
.. /smiley ..
saahir 2012/11/15 17:45
Quote: Waves: Thats y i always smile
Waves never cry.

mk_alyana 2012/11/23 16:38
No matter how grouchy the feeling,
find the smile more or less healing. .
It grows in wreath all around the front teeth--
all thus preserving the face from congealing. .

mk_alyana 2012/11/23 16:39
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness,
making everything in its
vicinity freshen into

Fantasy 2012/12/01 17:08
Smile keep surrounding healthy ...good
Jill 2012/12/01 17:21
/smiley /smiley
--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2012/12/02 06:03
oLWaYz kP SmILInG /smiley
nYc tOPIc /smiley

Replies: 49

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