Between _samurai_ , Alebi and Marizelle by
Idiot 2012/11/03 07:50
few days ago i got shoutbanned by Alebi bcoz i said staffs are idiot ^o^ and i still got shoutbanned untill now
The heck, i dont care about that ^o^ Alebi is known as bullier Moderator. She easy to use her tools to members even without thinking, banned or shoutbanned
What i cant understand is why she let this heavy insultness happened?
*You can see the rest screen shout on my gallery or download the attachment
When _samurai_ insulting without any reason to Aprilla and the hole country of Indonesia (Just to show that Hindu and India are ruled here at 2wap) nobody do anything
Not Alebi, not Marizelle. They just screaming WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Like a broken robot but still let _samurai_ and the other one keep insulting
The most funny thing is, Marizelle warned Aprilla not to fight at shoutbox....tho its clear as day that its _samurai_ who keep shout and insulting while Aprilla choose to be patience (and finally logout)
I just wondering WHY?
Why its easy for you to banned or shoutbanned other members but NOT to your friends?
Are you both human or just a BOT?
Any information about those people will be appreciate ^o^ so i wont wondering again about those creatures
Thank you
Extraterrestrial 2012/11/03 07:54
I want to look at your gallery but can't get past your profile pic.
_LeGoLaS_ 2012/11/03 07:58
idiot iam in shoutbox ban
alebi ban me for 1 month last time and many many times also
Spoon 2012/11/03 08:01
this shld b taken up with admin for the moment if theres no insults or arguements ill leave it but if there is zee ill need to close it
Hentai 2012/11/03 08:05
idiot iam in shoutbox ban
alebi ban me for 1 month last time and many many times also
Its not Alebi who shoutbanned you ^o^
Im planning to put those screenshot to some Indonesia web forums, like kaskus. Maybe i can invite some "New Members" to 2wap coz this insultnes of the country and the people of Indonesia ^o^
^o^ but still considering is 2wap worthed for my main ID there and my image as avatar maker
Hentai 2012/11/03 08:07
Spoon: this shld b taken up with admin for the moment if theres no insults or arguements ill leave it but if there is zee ill need to close it
Its okay if you want to closed it hun ^o^ i just want administrations look into this
And what i said before ^o^ believe me, its not IMPOSIBLE
_LeGoLaS_ 2012/11/03 08:11
Its not Alebi who shoutbanned you ^o^
Im planning to put those screenshot to some Indonesia web forums, like kaskus. Maybe i can invite some "New Members" to 2wap coz this insultnes of the country and the people of Indonesia ^o^
^o^ but still considering is 2wap worthed for my main ID there and my image as avatar maker
bring all stupids i wait
Spoon 2012/11/03 08:11
Hentai: Its okay if you want to closed it hun ^o^ i just want administrations look into this
And what i said before ^o^ believe me, its not IMPOSIBLE
i think i might to b safe but ill leave it here till admin see it and check my reply from b4 lol
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/11/03 13:22
Thank you for informing us. I will see what I can do.
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