Ice Experiment by EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:41
Everyone knows ice floats on water but is this normal behaviour? If you're nodding or simply shrugging your shoulders, grab some olive oil and an ice tray because you're in for a surprise.
EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:42
Fill two small cups, or two compartments in an ice cube tray with olive oil and water.

Place your experiment in the freezer and wait two or three hours. You'll notice that the olive oil turns solid long before the water froze. There's a good reason for that and it's called specific heat capacity but more about that later.

EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:43
Take your ice experiment out of the freezer and take a good look. It seems you've gained some extra water but in fact, the number of molecules is exactly the same (if anything, you might have a few less due to evaporation). The water expanded when it froze. The olive oil, on the other hand, has shrunk.

To see what effect expanding or shrinking has on the buoyancy of your frozen olive oil and water, fill two larger cups with some more liquid water and olive oil.

EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:44
You already know that ice cubes float but the question is, will frozen olive oil float in liquid olive oil?

Ta-da! Frozen olive oil sinks in liquid olive oil which begs the question: why the difference? And while you're thinking about anomalous properties, which one is behaving more strangely: the olive oil or water?

EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:44
What's going on?

Water is the only substance most of us will ever encounter simultaneously in both the liquid and solid state. It's not surprising, then, that water's curious habit of floating after freezing seems perfectly normal. It is normal for water, but water is far from normal.

All liquids expand when you heat them up and shrink when you cool them down. That's why thermometers work. 'Normal' substances keep on shrinking until they turn solid. Water is no exception until you cool get down to 4 degrees Celsius. Then it does something rather strange. Below 4 degrees, water starts expanding and continues to do so until it reaches zero and turns solid. By then, the volume increases by 9 per cent. This is a remarkably rare thing for a substance to do.

Ice floats because as the volume of water increases below 4 degrees Celsius, its mass stays the same and so its density goes down. At 4 degrees Celsius, one litre of pure water weighs precisely 1000 grams. If you freeze it, your iceblock will have a new volume of 1.09 litres. If you carefully shaved off 90 millilitres of ice, you'd have a one-litre block of ice and it would weigh 917 grams. Now, even though you've shaved some ice off, your new one-litre iceblock still floats because its density remains 917 grams per litre. Shaving ice off doesn't change the density.

EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:44
Olive oil behaves very differently. The liquid state keeps shrinking all the way down to the freezing point, and as it does, its density goes up. A frozen lump of olive oil is more dense than liquid olive oil and therefore, always sinks. That's the 'normal' thing for substances to do. If you let a tea-light candle burn long enough for all the wax to melt and then blow it out, you'll see that wax shrinks when it refreezes too. The clue is in the shape of the concave surface of the 'frozen' wax. An ice cube's surface is convex.

To understand why water expands as it freezes while other substances shrink, you need to know a bit about temperature and molecules. Temperature is really just a measure of the average speed (kinetic energy) of the molecules in a substance. A glass of water might look still to you but at room temperature, the molecules are jostling to and fro at crazy sounding speeds of more than 1900 kilometres per hour. They don't go very far before they bump into another water molecule and bounce back in some other direction. At room temperature, a water molecule experiences about two and half million million times per second (that's 2,500,000,000,000 collisions every second).

EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:45
At 50 degrees, the molecules zip around at more than 2000 kilometres per hour and therefore bounce off each other faster, which means they will go a little further before banging into each other. That's why water expands with heat. Cool water down to 4 degrees and the molecules are still jostling to and fro at around 1850 kilometres per hour but now, thanks to their slightly less ridiculous speed, they are a little closer together on average. But cool water down below 4 degrees Celsius and the strong force of attraction between the negatively charged part of one molecule can start to align with the positively charged part of another. At zero degrees, the attraction is so strong that the molecules become locked in place. They still vibrate back and forth at breakneck speeds, but they can no longer break free of their neighbours.

The unusual thing about water molecules compared to most other substances, like olive oil, is that they are polar. They have two positively charged ends and one negative charged. Each positive end can bond with the negative end on another, which links three water molecules together. The negative end can bond to the positive end of another forming a third bond, which creates a tetrahedral crystal structure. Because of the size and shape of the water molecule, this structure takes up more space than freely jostling water molecules in the warmer liquid state, and so ice floats. Silicon, gallium, germanium, bismuth, antimony and other polar molecules also form tetrahedral crystals which float when submerged in their warmer, liquid form, but you won't (or at least, shouldn't) find any of those in their liquid form to put in your fridge.

EloraM23 2012/10/29 07:45
It's a good thing most substances shrink when they freeze, by the way. If they didn't, things like injection moulding would be impossible, and that's just for starters. It's also a good thing that water expands when it freezes because if it didn't, lakes in cold climates would freeze solid in winter, wiping out all the critters that have a crack at living inside them. It's not so great, however, when someone forgets about a bottle of champagne or beer in the freezer. There's a good chance the bottle will crack or explode when the water inside freezes and expands. Mountains erode for the same reason because the water freezes between the cracks in a rock creates enough pressure to split them in half.

So there you have it. Ice floats, frozen olive oil sinks and that should be more than enough to keep you smiling while you're chewing your olives and sipping a cold drink this summer!

EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/10/29 08:01
/smiley Very interesting. Had a great read to know.
Someone 2012/10/29 08:08
Amazing... isn't it? /smiley informative topic
MAHESH_K 2012/10/29 10:01
Wow sounds really intresting!! Great topic sis......! /smiley
Kumz 2012/11/18 06:28
Brilliant stuff!! Thank you!
yemadep 2012/12/12 21:28
Prof, I shall try this your theory.
Hareesh 2013/06/26 02:16
Yup . . . Gud post elora
InternetLord 2013/06/26 15:46
Waooo..nice one /smiley
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