*FACE DETECT0R 3* by Rebellion 2012/10/23 16:29

So last one was easy... Lets create some fun with this one.
No hints...
Identify the person under the guns:D

1. 1st Correct Answer will get 100+s

2. No Free p0sting!

20+s will be deducted
for freep0sting.

3. 0ne Post per pers0n

Have fun! -lol-
Good Luck!
Rebellion 2012/10/23 17:21

4. Those who won in the previus game, cannot take part again

thank you /smiley

-Marizelle- 2012/10/23 17:44
Hugh jackman
Eternal_Knight 2012/10/24 06:05
can i /smiley
jaQui 2012/10/24 06:48
Quote: Eternal_Knight: can i /smiley
i think u won the last game

Rebellion 2012/10/24 11:18
Quote: Eternal_Knight: can i /smiley

Still hungry after 200+sses?/smiley
Let others try also-hahaha-

Eternal_Knight 2012/10/24 18:26
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR:
Still hungry after 200+sses?/smiley
Let others try also-hahaha-

got more than 12k+ pluses wat am i gonna do with it??
this is very tough one though...

Extraterrestrial 2012/10/24 19:35
Robert Downey Jr.
jaQui 2012/10/25 19:42
Quote: Eternal_Knight: can i /smiley

0k u c p0st again:-/

Rebellion 2012/10/26 04:26
WellDone Extraterrestrial! u've got it correct!/smiley
Rebellion 2012/10/26 04:29
And this what Ironman says...

Eternal_Knight 2012/10/26 04:59
is it Robert Downey Jr??. it is someone from Iron Man musical
jaQui 2012/10/26 12:19
Quote: Extraterrestrial: Robert Downey Jr.
congrats u won 100+s

Rebellion 2012/10/26 13:28
If you had watched the first movie of Ironman then you'd know who is he/smiley
Rebellion 2012/10/26 13:50
Some info for the unaware ones:This picture is of the time in the movie ironman when some terrorists of afganistan bombed the car of Tony stark and he was injured after then terrorists capture tony and recorded a video whose one of the image you are seeing here
So,it's clear now...Thankyou!

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