Apkors 'n' Mum by Doncle 2012/10/15 17:44
Check out this conversation and tell me what you think.

Akpors: Mom you lied to me.

Mum: How?.

Akpors: You said my brother is a small

Mum: Yes he is.

Akpors: He didn't fly when I threw him
from the balcony.

Amorian 2012/10/15 17:53
Hahahaha Man u are funny
Hareesh 2012/10/16 02:23
gud joke man

Manal 2012/10/16 02:46
/smileymom's should not lied-rofl-
The_Torpid 2013/03/01 14:19
Call An Ambulance Plz!!-doctor-
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/02 01:19
-hahaha- haha
TinHeart 2014/02/02 01:45
well,he is an angel now /smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/30 08:16
Good one....
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