(W)Rapping style!! by
Rebellion 2012/10/15 15:15
What's your rapping style...If you are findin it hard to understand then lets take some examples....
Most of the ppl here are just sick and they even fuck themselves in rhyming,So this is one style.
The other style is My style,I just fuck the other shxtheads and keeps my level above them....I always keep my upper hand over them -rofl-
Rebellion 2012/10/15 15:17
p.s Eminem, my favourite!
Yungboss 2012/10/18 11:15
Um i split punchline, above u suckers im in first while ur ass on da last line, im gud in wat i do, d indies dnt rap rather sing n dance woolahoo, cnt tel u that im d best bt im betta than the Bestest, every word, every line, every split rated like d Illest,
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/10/23 22:35
am stll holdin d crown 2 let yall understand dat there may b many pussy-ass rapers like yall but all rappers all not born equal.yall should start 4rm kindergarten 2 learn d game cos me am done already..i graduated 4rm rap game even b4 yall mamas starts takin her bath n wearing white pants.b my buddy n i wil teach u d game or try me n try ur god...in other words dn't try cos it's suicide.
Elfuego 2012/11/03 16:33
Blood and gore message r ma major. . .grrrrrrrr
Rebellion 2012/11/26 16:21
I miss the hardcore spitters... but the Question is.. will they ever be back?
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/30 20:33
how can they b back while d man dat chased them out is stil here huh?
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