"Granny in the war" by _ HorTiculTurisT_ 2012/10/13 05:21
Soldier: I will rape all of u!

Girls_ crying (crying): Rape us but plz
leave our grandma out of it!

Grandma _shouting Leave who
out?... War is war, everybody
must face the consequences!! -rofl2-
KingFISHER 2012/10/13 05:28
hey i,m a soldier okay? Although itz nice topic.lol!
Terry 2012/10/13 05:40
/smileygranny rockz!
KingFISHER 2012/10/13 05:44
old is gold.lol!
nihaalJatt 2012/10/13 05:53
-hahaha- nice topic.hahaha.
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2012/10/13 08:05
haha guD oNe XD:-D
chezBEE 2012/10/13 11:08
Hareesh 2012/10/14 03:57
Hmmm so funny
excellent topic
gud post

The_Torpid 2013/03/31 14:35
Granny rocks!! -smile.
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/01 23:07
O ho /smiley Nice topic
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