EloraM232012/10/11 07:49 The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world. 69,375,000 square miles. 35 percent of the Earth. It is almost as big as the 4 other oceans combined. It's deepest point is the Mariana Trench (challenger deep) 11,033 meters. The Pacific Ocean is between Asia on the west and north and South America on the east. It connects the Indian ocean to the west, the Southern ocean to the south, and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
EloraM232012/10/11 07:59 The Atlantic Ocean is the 2nd, 41,105,000 square miles or 21 percent of the Earth. The Indian Ocean is 3rd. 28,900,000 square miles or 15 percent of the Earth. The Southern Ocean is 4th. 7,848,000 square miles. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest. 5,427,000 square miles.