A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife by JOLENE3 2012/10/03 17:28
A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year old daughter. The girls were
buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family
member died. When they went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand -ALIVE! The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be
executed.. The older girl was
asked how she had survived and she says:- 'A man wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came every
day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister,' she said. She was
interviewed on Egyptian national TV, by availed Muslim woman news anchor. She said on public TV, 'This was none other than Jesus, because nobody else does
things like this!' Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He reallywas crucified, and it's clear also that He is alive! But, it's also clear that the child could not make up a
story like this, and there is no way these children could have survived without a true miracle. Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what to do with
this, and the popularity of the
Passion movie doesn't help! With Egypt at the centre of the media and education in the Middle East , you can be sure this story will spread.

Christ is still turning the
world upside down! Please let this story be shared. The Lord says, 'I will bless the person who puts his
trust in me.' Jeremiah 17 Please forward to all on your list and God will reward you abundantly!! Mark 8:38 which says, 'Therefore whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and my Words in this adulterous and sinful generation,
the Son of Man shall also be
ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels'.
Don't worry if those you have
forwarded will respond or do
anything with this message, just fulfil your part and shake off your dust!....... Jesus loves you!

Hit like/share if you are not ashamed
write "I love you Jesus" if you are
proud of him
Kumz 2012/10/03 17:41
*sigh* Jesus Christ, online marketing.
Idiot 2012/10/03 20:05
No, im not proud of you ^o^
Christian like you should be burn on hell as soon as possible ^o^
Made up a story and spread it in the name of Jesus. Made religion sentiment to attract symphaty ^o^ you just like a Jehovah Withness
Begone Lucifer! You bring a bad name to Christianity!
Bcoz Jesus only teach about love, love and love. Affection to all humankind. He never teach to use dirty propaganda
Only Hitler use it! ^o^
Begone and go back to hell, Devil! /smiley

Idiot 2012/10/03 20:07
Quote: Kumz: *sigh* Jesus Christ, online marketing.

Naaah...Only Morons Online Marketing (which unfortunatly claim as Christian...duhh!)

chezBEE 2012/10/03 20:31
Lolol tell your crap story to the dead marine..continued waving lies after lies in the name of religion your soul will gona burn in hell.../smiley
Manal 2012/10/03 20:47
Quote: Idiot: No, im not proud of you ^o^
Christian like you should be burn on hell as soon as possible ^o^
Made up a story and spread it in the name of Jesus. Made religion sentiment to attract symphaty ^o^ you just like a Jehovah Withness
Begone Lucifer! You bring a bad name to Christianity!
Bcoz Jesus only teach about love, love and love. Affection to all humankind. He never teach to use dirty propaganda
Only Hitler use it! ^o^
Begone and go back to hell, Devil! /smiley
/smileybest post/smiley

Manal 2012/10/03 20:51
haha what a story...full of craps!
chezBEE 2012/10/03 20:55
some forums are filled up with topic with racial discrimanatio...like attacking how bad muslims are...what they dunno they only make themeselves fool geez I live in a country dominated by christians and almost everynight the news broadcast on tv reporting crimes committed by christians like murder,rape,robbery...worst a man rape his own daughter gees people wake up..not all muslims are bad just like what you want to portrait and so do with christians,budhisms/smiley
chezBEE 2012/10/03 20:57
*discrimanation* peace staffs /smiley
jay6600 2012/10/03 21:18
read about this on the net before and whether or not its tru i dunno?? if forget about the miracle part of it then it seems the perfectly normal Allowed thing to do for theese , extreeme belifs people ,, you type who praise such terrible crimes shall pat yourselfs on the head and sleep peacefully at night because your SPECIAL
djinn 2012/10/03 21:29
I dislike this. It just show only the brutality of humanity. And also a misconception towards muslim. Only a psycho can do this inhuman activity.
Manal 2012/10/03 21:43
His topic taken from .snopes.com/glurge/buried.asp,source 2004-2008 he mix the both news of kill and burried that also collected via crap emails-rofl-
Terry 2012/10/04 01:25
Hit like/share if you are not ashamed
write "I love you Jesus" if you are
proud of him[/quote]is this taken/copy paste frm facebook? Stop descrimenating people,creating religious fights each religion has its own rotten side btw i will say not all in it are bad apples.Keep provoking about others belief that shows urs is not good at all.Just stick to ur faith it might save u in hell.PEACE OUT! Everyone the issue is getting boring really.

Hareesh 2012/10/04 02:44
So sad frnd

Someone 2012/10/04 05:45
Source of the story please. Post it soon otherwise as per rules your topic will b closed.
Manal 2012/10/04 06:36
Quote: Vipul: Source of the story please. Post it soon otherwise as per rules your topic will b closed.
/smileypost friend/smiley

Someone 2012/10/04 06:51
Source not provided which can prove authenticity of the story. Topic closed.
This topic is closed.
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