barbie girl by
-Marizelle- 2012/10/02 05:48
Dear Boys, I'm sorry I don't have bleach blonde hair, I'm sorry my hair doesnt stay the same all day. I'm sorry I don't have huge boobs, or a skinny waist, I'm sorry I dont have a nice ars, or nice legs,I'm sorry im not stunning, I'm sorry im not your ideal girl. If you want a girl then then GO BUY A BARBIE! Yours sincerely the girl who isn't perfect! Put this as your status if you dont care if your not PERFECT
Hareesh 2012/10/02 06:06
So swt frnd
Dr.rahul 2012/10/02 06:09
One should love himself as he or she is created by god. . .
Hareesh 2012/10/02 06:11
He is right
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