Jesus is great! by The_Torpid 2012/09/29 14:43
Once a king announced in the city that a person who will explain me the "Bible"sincerely & faithfully,I will give him my half kingdom.Many ppl came to meet the king and explain the Bible.Everyone explained the Bible to the king,But due to the threat of the loss of the kingdom he told that i don't understand anything.Then here came the well knowned father of that area "John Luke".He also tried to explain the bible,but as usual he told him that he don't understood anything.Due to this mess,there came the great Jesus he heard about all the story and said to the Father that he(John Luke)also don't know the Bible.And the king he understood all the things everyone explained.But due to the threat of the kingdom he is telling lie.This shows that Jesus was an impressive thinker.Bye Bye frndz.God loves u all.Coming Soon my next topic "An impressive Topic".
Hareesh 2012/09/29 15:09
I love jesus
Amorian 2012/09/29 15:53
I love jesus
jaQui 2012/09/29 16:20
Jesus Christ Superstar!
TheMouse 2012/09/29 16:38
Good grief, wasn't this topic impressive enough already? /smiley
The_Torpid 2012/09/29 16:55
Quote: TheMouse: Good grief, wasn't this topic impressive enough already? /smiley
U r mouse & mices can't interfare in human's

Bananas 2012/09/29 18:08
Hip Hip Hurray /smiley
Trax 2012/09/30 00:47
Exellent !! Thnxx fr sharing wid us /smiley
yash_kumar 2012/09/30 07:19
Good post Arijeet
Mno 2012/10/13 12:00
Quote: Amorian: I love jesus

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/11 11:38
I love jesus.../smiley
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