*religious fanatic* by
jaQui 2012/09/29 13:15
Religious Fanatic
1. A person that
believes the Bible is
fact and that all other
views are wrong.
2. A person that
misinterprets a book of
faith in order to cause
hatred and ignorance
towards homosexuals,
lesbians, people of
color, women, and
anyone else that is
3. A person that denies all logic, science, and common sense in order to find comfort in faith.
4. A person that believes it is okay to hurt and kill, as long as it is preformed
in the name of faith.
5. A person that comes up with stupid responses to disprove scientific facts,
i.e, the Earth is 3000
years old (Even though
it has been proven to
be 4.5 Billion yeas old.)
Humans tamed and
rode dinosaurs (When
this is impossible, seeing as humans have only been around for a few hundred thousand
years and dinosaurs
have been proven to
have gone instinct
millions of years ago.)
A man named Noel
rounded up 2 of every
species and placed
them in a boat to save
them from a flood.
(Even though there is
Trillions of animal
species on Earth and it
would be impossible to
round up 2 of each.
Even if this could
happen, 2 of every
animal species would
cause inbreeding,
which would then
cause all of those
lifeforms to die. Not to
mention there isn't
enough water on Earth
to cause this type of
6. A person that
believes 2 humans
were created by God,
which then lead to all
human life on Earth.
(Which is impossible.
This would also cause
inbreeding and we
would all share the
same DNA code, in the
way brothers and sisters do... :-/
Spoon 2012/09/29 13:18
nice topic
TheMouse 2012/09/29 16:25
Fanatics don't know that in reality the world was created by the Almighty Mouse, out of a big nest of acorn leaves, a hundred years ago.
SKYLARK 2012/09/29 18:17
Informative, logical, inspiring, eye opening, mouth shutting, and Reply to all Morons.
Kumz 2012/09/29 20:38
Omg! Those are all the ways you can go to heaven!!! I should convert to this "fanatic" religion!! Hope entrance is free...
Hareesh 2012/09/30 06:04
Well topic
keep smile
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