Which word is longest? by
Rango 2012/08/28 12:41
Hey 2wappers.I have a simple challenge -box-for all of u.Its just positing here the longest word u have ever come across.
Rango 2012/08/28 13:29
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis:Word alleged to mean a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust causing inflation in the lung.am i right?
NAASH 2013/10/18 09:54
Diz Words means the action or habit of estimthng something as worthless.
NAASH 2013/10/18 09:59
Dis words it occurs n shakespear ply Love's labour's Lst & means with out honourablenessess
NAASH 2013/10/18 10:03
NAASH 2013/10/18 10:06
Diz word z on d 1st page of finnegans wake by james joyce symbolic thunder clap representng d fall of ADAM & EVE*nice*
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