INDIA by Hareesh 2012/08/25 04:57
Why INDIA is the cool and best country in the world ?
CUTEANGEL 2012/08/25 09:11
Bcoz Of India's Culture And Great Constitution.

latrine 2012/08/25 15:42
i dunno....why dont you tell me?
_rOcK_ 2012/08/25 19:23
Because here In India we have,
Unity In Diversity. (india)

Dr.rahul 2012/08/27 14:25
Quote: _rOcK_: Because here In India we have,
Unity In Diversity. (india)
I agree with u bro -jaihind-

Hareesh 2012/09/01 00:57
Yes u r ryt frnd's......
I'm proud of my country
Thank u 4r ur complement's

Blackeyes 2012/09/01 12:31
Who says?
Hareesh 2012/09/06 04:13
Oho gud
_usman_pk 2012/09/06 13:37
India is a gud! Bup ppls of india's are 50+50! Dnt think just knw blame at other's! So bad... Chi chi
_usman_pk 2012/09/06 13:38
India is a gud! But ppls of india's are 50+50! Dnt think just knw blame at other's! So bad... Chi chi
Hareesh 2012/09/08 02:03
Sona 2012/09/08 06:12
bcoz of our rich culture.
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