Friendship day. by Aamir2012/08/05 08:29 (hello) Frndz,
Many of us dont know that today is Friendship day in India, every year it changes by one two days up or down. But in 2012 it is on 5 th of August means today -yeah-
so here i request you to post your post along with your special friends name 2 whom you are dedicating your post. . .
No matter if you are not an Indian or from other country :-) just Enjoy !
AprilSnow2012/08/05 13:42 Happy friendship day to all wappers.
aprillia2012/08/05 14:04 happy friendship day to all my friends.
remember guys easy to find friend but difficult to take care of friendship
Fremder_Aryan2012/08/05 16:13 happy frndship day -friend-
S3RIAL_KILL3R2012/08/05 16:22 happy frndship day to all.frnds r one of precious relations in our life.dnt miss them..
Princess_Jasmine2012/08/06 09:23 Frnds r like stars. u cnt always see them, Bt u knw they r always there 4 u. Happy frndship day 2 all.
Sweetcapricorn2012/08/07 11:47 Friends are like flowers they add color in ur life and aamir u are my favourite color in friendshp.happi frndshp day