Shampoo by 0_o 2012/07/24 04:09
I surveyed 100 women and asked them what shampoo they used when showering.
98 of them said, How did you get in here? -lol-
yemadep 2012/07/24 05:49
Did you answer them?
Kanchan 2012/07/24 07:49
bathroom tresspasser! /smiley
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/07/24 07:58
Yuk its not a joke..its a sh*t
shacc 2012/07/24 08:11
Nonesence ..
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/07/24 09:05
normal conversation.

0_o 2012/08/07 10:52
This is a joke! ... chillout
jaQui 2012/08/07 19:30
U nawty boy! Get out of girls bathroom/smiley
The_Torpid 2012/10/22 02:40
Whats funny in this??Yup/smiley
The_Torpid 2013/03/02 08:21
Bloody Fool!!
Hareesh 2013/04/24 05:51
Where is joke
Kakaji 2013/04/24 09:55
Quote: 0_o: I surveyed 100 women and asked them what shampoo they used when showering.
98 of them said, How did you get in here? /smiley


little_mermaid 2013/04/28 14:36
freaking joke :-/
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/05/19 04:33
sandeep397 2013/05/26 04:08
silly topic
The_Torpid 2013/05/26 09:36
Shxt,Whats This????????? /smiley
Hareesh 2013/06/22 04:26
Smarty ts qstn for u. .
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/26 15:43
Nice joke .laugh.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/25 13:21
merly 2015/05/27 14:38
#45 Fun & Comedy
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