I lost my password by roshan4jenna2012/07/15 05:32 I m a old user of this 2wap with a nick of _roshan_ hope u all remember me.my dear admins and moderators i lost my password of that nick so pls kindly send my password to my inbox.i m a real lover of 2wap pls bring me back with your help -thanku-
GhAyAl2012/07/15 05:38 Goto login page..n try lost passpword...
roshan4jenna2012/07/15 05:39 I have many pulses now i dont have even to shout.pls send my password
roshan4jenna2012/07/15 05:52 Ya i tried but my email not working....
jaQui2012/07/15 05:57 If ur an old user u shud know that u have to pm admin for ur pw sweety Please pm shahzada Or other admin of ur choice Thank u. Have a nice day.rose.
roshan4jenna2012/07/15 06:02 Jacki its not fair dont close topic