Selfish Suicide by Chandru_25 2012/07/06 05:55
I have n0ticed that many pe0ple(y0ung pe0ple)wh0m think sucide is the 0nly way 0ut.the m0ment life hits r0ck b0tt0m they just wana end their lives,yet 0ut there,there are pe0ple wh0m wish they had just 0ne m0re day to live longer . What is your thoughts on this ?
Jill 2012/07/06 06:08
Sucide is a crime., nd i think d people who commit sucide r mad or mentally immature.!
RULER_Gp 2012/07/06 06:11
It's nt just a crime but also in sin
jaQui 2012/07/06 19:22
Its n0t a sin its an illness
jaQui 2012/07/06 19:52
Suicide is often committed
out of despair, the
cause of which can
attributed to a
mental disorder
such as depression, bipolar disorder,
autism spectrum
disorders, alcoholism,
or drug abuse.
Stress factors
such as financial
difficulties or
troubles with
often play a
significant role.
Over one million
people die by
suicide every year.

brightsquare 2012/07/06 20:54
Is a big sin 2 God nd against humanity dat doesn't showz d value of life
.Armaan. 2012/07/06 21:22
those who select suicide are coward ,they dont have strength to beat the prblems
AMMU_SABY 2012/07/07 11:25
Quote: Chandru_25: I have n0ticed that many pe0ple(y0ung pe0ple)wh0m think sucide is the 0nly way 0ut.the m0ment life hits r0ck b0tt0m they just wana end their lives,yet 0ut there,there are pe0ple wh0m wish they had just 0ne m0re day to live longer . What is your thoughts on this ?
dats d prblm.nobody is satisfied wid wat dey hv.

DOLPHINLADY 2012/07/10 17:34
To those that are left behind it is sad and we are forever looking for the answer as to why....but seeing as we never really know what is in another person's heart or mind,we dnt know the hell that person is living therefor we should not judge!
KingFISHER 2012/07/11 02:51
Suicide is a timid and coward attitude of human.but whn sum1 commited to suicide thn they lost his/her sense fully. I think there is nothing else in the World which valuer than life. We sudnt destroy sumthing which we cudnt build.
Idiot 2012/07/11 11:05
Quote: DOLPHINLADY: To those that are left behind it is sad and we are forever looking for the answer as to why....but seeing as we never really know what is in another person's heart or mind,we dnt know the hell that person is living therefor we should not judge!
This dolphin is much more wiser than those humans /smiley

ArjunPratap 2013/01/15 07:20
Quote: Chandru_25: I have n0ticed that many pe0ple(y0ung pe0ple)wh0m think sucide is the 0nly way 0ut.the m0ment life hits r0ck b0tt0m they just wana end their lives,yet 0ut there,there are pe0ple wh0m wish they had just 0ne m0re day to live longer . What is your thoughts on this ?
i don't think about dead people

Aita 2014/04/02 11:45
Ppl who think of suicide needs help asap.
detrimentum 2014/10/16 05:22
If I can fight all my many demons, never even thinking of suicide, why can't someone else? No offence to anyone here who suffers from depression, but when I start feeling depressed I get up and I go outside, I breath fresh air and I force the doom and despair away. go about my business not allowing anything nasty to creep on me. If you allow it, or cling to it then its your own fault. And people with depression clings to it, they feed of bad negative thought and ideas till they are all messed up contemplating suicide.
Kayli 2014/10/16 19:15
Never judge a person. U dnt knw whats going on in tht persons life.
jaQui 2014/10/19 00:26
Quote: jacki: Suicide is often committed out of despair, the cause of which can attributed to amental disorder,
such as depression,
bipolar disorder,
autism spectrum
disorders, alcoholism,
or drug abuse.
Stress factors such as
financial difficulties or
troubles with interpersonal
relationships often play a
significant role.
Over one million people die by
suicide every year.

the saddest thing of all is that
they dont know they'r suffering
depression coz its not vissible
but a mental illness. Pls do not ignore such ppl they need help.

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