What is freedom by Chandru_25 2012/07/06 05:40
What is the meaning of freedom in todays world ?
brightsquare 2012/07/06 05:50
i think our freedom in society is d limited.
Jill 2012/07/06 06:14
Classrumz wid out lecturerz... /smiley
RULER_Gp 2012/07/06 07:09
I don't even think if 2day world recognise children freedom n liberty any more
chocolate.boy 2012/07/06 17:15
Freedom to do curruption /smiley
ArjunPratap 2013/01/14 07:43
Quote: Chandru_25: What is the meaning of freedom in todays world ?

read fundamental rights

Rebellion 2013/01/14 11:44
In todays world,freedom is to do bulleying ovr others & make them believe what u believe with the help of any mean
Aita 2014/04/02 11:51
Freedom 2me means 2 be free 2 do what i want 2 do /smiley
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