Transport Type by Chandru_25 2012/07/06 01:33
Which transport type u might consider it as safest?
A) Bus
B) Train
C) Car
Eternal_Knight 2012/07/06 03:37
in mumbai none..
brightsquare 2012/07/06 05:41
train i think so.
Jill 2012/07/06 06:34
RULER_Gp 2012/07/06 06:35
Na car wey b my own
ArjunPratap 2013/01/14 07:12
It depends on my journey
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/23 13:04
SAGITTARIUS 2015/05/23 20:19
I think a car.
KingFISHER 2015/05/24 02:21
I think train
Boet 2015/05/24 02:49
Well, in South Africa, all three of those modes of transport are quite hazardous. Aeroplanes are the most safe means of transport. But if you have a donkey cart and LOTS of time on hand, then you need not ask for better
@Don@ 2015/05/25 12:29
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