Soceity by Chandru_25 2012/07/05 21:15
What wil u do to make ur soceity a better place?
Sweet_Divyanka 2012/07/05 21:18
Make them to belive in God with all heart and their lives can be changed with trust /smiley
brightsquare 2012/07/05 22:12
articulating for youth movement to positive drive cos d youths r d pillar of any nation nd in addition 2 wat diyvanka has said.
HandsomeDon 2012/07/06 01:41
society became better when we reforms ownself bcz individuals is basis of society
ArjunPratap 2013/01/14 08:00
Quote: Chandru_25: What wil u do to make ur soceity a better place?


detrimentum 2014/10/20 16:55
Erase their memories. That would do my society a whole lot of good.
__adisa__ 2014/10/21 12:48
Any good way!
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