How to make decisions clearly? by Chandru_25 2012/07/05 16:21
How to make decisions clearly? I just find it the most difficult and annoying thing in the world?
brightsquare 2012/07/05 17:27
i dont get it. Plz explain further!
Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/05 17:34
Actually bro the main reason behind ur decisions is anger.i read ur topics dat all revolves round anger and violence please control on ur nerves.dats harmful for u.and it leads u to high blood preasure i read it in a story an angry man find himself in a destructive way..avoid anger try to think ur decision wd cold mind and choose sme green environment around u for this.hopefully u got my of luck
latrine 2012/07/05 18:50
i just flip a coin
ArjunPratap 2013/01/13 15:44
Quote: Chandru_25: How to make decisions clearly? I just find it the most difficult and annoying thing in the world?

be cool and have a clarity when you make any decision

Hareesh 2013/01/14 04:12
I cn't under stand
sorry.... /smiley

Zapata 2014/04/04 17:21
Make any decision with a clarity
detrimentum 2014/10/16 05:15
It is difficult. Emotions clouds your judgement. Try to block them, and then decide.
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