when you find that feeling... by Tahia 2012/07/04 22:18
For just a moment, imagine that you
are as happy as you ever hope to be.
Doesn't that feel good? Now, is there
just a small sense, somewhere in the
back of your mind, that it can't last?
That's the feeling that prevents us from
being 100% happy. If you can find that
feeling, what would you say to it? -
Tahia 2012/07/04 22:20
When I find that feeling, I say, "Thank
you for being here. Thank you for
allowing me to share in this moment.
I'll share it with you as long as you
want to stay around and then I will see
you next time."

Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/05 00:39
I feel that i'm the happiest girl ever and wants to enjoy that supurb moment and i pray that dream never ends for next time it wl continue till the end...and makes me special
brightsquare 2012/07/05 05:45
Say no 2 dat obstacle nd be hapi as long as its stay cos diz lyf its 2 short 4 one 2 be sad!
J_Dz 2012/07/05 09:22
I gat tight feelings_tight guy
ArjunPratap 2013/01/13 15:09
I'm allways happy
Hareesh 2013/01/14 04:29
i'm always try 2 happily...

Aita 2014/04/02 11:25
Very well said !
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