The foolish policemen by brightsquare 2012/07/03 11:05
A man wrote a letter to his son in prison; Orode,ever since u were sentence 2 prison,i hav not been able 2 plant any crop for diz year bcos there is nobody 2 help me clear my farm. The boy replied; papa, don't try & clear it,do u want 2 expose me,hav u 4goten i hide the bag of money on that farm? Before the letter was delivered 2 the father,one of the police officers read it. The following day,four police officers hurried off,cleared d farm,and found nothin. The boy wrote another letter 2 his father; papa,ur farm has been cleared. You can now go and plant on it.
Jill 2012/07/03 14:25
Intelligent boY... /smiley
_EdGE_ 2012/07/03 14:43
Nice story of intelligence. /smiley
jaQui 2012/07/03 16:23
Haha very wise son, nice topic brightsqare
Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/08 00:23
Intelligent mind wd great use of his ideas
aprillia 2012/07/08 00:26
brilliant boy.
n great story.

-linda- 2012/07/08 10:43
/smiley The son is so clever. I think i ever read this before
8mustapha8 2012/07/20 07:04
without gangsta'z like me,cops aint got no work.if a cop arrests a thug,they get paid. -gangsta- -police-
AbhiReddy 2012/07/25 16:27
Really foolish police
The_Torpid 2013/03/30 04:17
Tricky & Clever like a fox!!
Hareesh 2013/04/24 05:09
Intligent boy
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/29 05:58
-imok- /smiley
The_Torpid 2014/01/30 17:54
Cleverly done.... /smiley
TinHeart 2014/01/30 20:09
Good thinking!
Crownstar 2014/11/14 12:38
jackbndolo 2014/11/20 08:09
keep on post this is good
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