Amazing Facts Of India by samar 2012/06/30 10:35
India is the world's largest, oldest,
continuous civilization.
India is the world's Largest
India never invaded any country in
her last 1000 years of history.
India invented the number system.
Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
When many cultures were only
nomadic forest dwellers over 5000
years ago, Indians established
Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley
(Indus Valley Civilization)
There are 300,000 active mosques in
India , more than in any other
country, including the Muslim world
Sanskrit is the mother of all the
European Languages . Sanskrit is the
most suitable language for computer
software - a report in Forbes magzine
July 1987.
Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was
invented in India.
India is one of the few countries in
the world, which gain independence
without violence.
India has the second largest pool of
Scientist and Engineers in the World.
India is the largest English speaking
nation in the world.
India is the only country other than
US and Japan, to have built a super
computer indeigenously.
India has the largest number of Post
Offices in the world
The largest employer in the world is
the Indian Railways , employing over
a million people
India was one of the richest
countries till the time of British
rule in the early 17th Century.
Christopher Columbus, attracted by
India's wealth, had come looking for a
sea route to India when he
discovered America by mistake.
The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge
in the world. It is located in the
Ladakh valley between the Dras and
Suru rivers in the Himalayan
mountains. It was built by the Indian
Army in August 1982
The Vishnu Temple in the city of
Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is
the world's largest religious
pilgrimage destination. Larger than
either Rome or Mecca, an average of
30,000 visitors donate *6 million (US)
to the temple everyday.
Varanasi, also known as Benaras, was
called "the Ancient City" when Lord
Buddha visited it in 500 B.C., and is
the oldest, continuously inhabited city
in the world today.
Martial Arts were first created in
India, and later spread to Asia by
Buddhist missionaries.
Yoga has its origins in India and has
existed for over 5,000 years.
GhAyAl 2012/06/30 16:46
-nicetopic- for more info about INDIA watch movie Purab Aor Pacchim
yemadep 2012/06/30 18:25
Thank you for this educative and informative post.
TemPEST 2012/06/30 23:26
At least noticable
AbhiReddy 2012/07/01 10:23
Very very great its time to say vandamataram
Manal 2012/07/01 15:04
/smileywhat abt negative sides of india????-hahaha-
Eternal_Knight 2012/07/01 17:36
Quote: mAnAl: /smileywhat abt negative sides of india????-hahaha-

no single topic can be made on them.. Lolz...

Nomann_Singh 2012/07/01 17:39
wah its great
Manal 2012/07/01 18:37
Quote: Eternal_Knight:

no single topic can be made on them.. Lolz...
then what is this mean?/smiley..............platelet

Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hungary
Posts: 9 bad things india neagtive
hello all,

Before I start, I know this may draw a lot of backfire towards my thread, I write this for the sake of all those people who wish for a first hand, alternative view about experiencing india.

Basically we didnt like india from the day we arrived.
Delhi - was smelly, dirty, full with begger, shop owners who wont leave you alone, hotel owner who try to rip us off, rikshaw drivers, taxi driver, all try to extract your money.

Varanasi - First Diarrhea, easily can be traced to the restaurant which we have visited, again - the smells, the cow dropps, the beggers, taxi drivers arguing with eachother about to maintain a uniform price qouta for your requested journey.
entering a room of a hotel and realizing that even the water they have promissed to come from the wall are brown, smelly and cold.

Darjeeling - sikkim:
Cool, quite more laid-back, more expensive, more clean.
trekking was a great experience - beuatuifull, freindly people, clean.
Colcatta - the city of volunteers, youngsters who whish to do basically nothing for weeks. even one incidence in Zurich restaurant where the waiter kicked out a african tourist saying: "we dont serve black people here" - I have 4 more widnesses for that incidence.

Goa - basically upon arrival (despite the beauty of the place) you feel like a cow to be milked by the locals. prices are outrageoussly high, grissary shops have 2 price lists (locals & toursits). endless numbers of Sellers of all kinds of "goods" (neckless, Hina tattoo, boat trip, food) will bother you with their merchendise - trying 3 strategies: 1) sentence begins with Hello Madam, Hello sir, 2) trying and fit a polite conversation between, 3) try and touch your heart for mercy.

Our conculsion:
1. India is a chaotic place, with different kind of people for bad and good.
2. If you dont like it as you arrive - probably you will find it more difficult to like onwards - therefore change your return date asap.
3. cheating is a genuine part of the touring experience in india - people will try to scam you, rip you off, cheat you, over price basic good.
4. india is a dirty place.
5. for himalya Trekking - Nepal is a better option, For beaches vacation - I would choose Carribeans, south east asia, Australia - more expensive but one can realy relax.
6. India is not an easy place for travelling.

Naan.tering Nabob

Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Abode of Glooscap
Posts: 9,420 Analyzing the Symptoms ......

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