♥My Greatest Fear♥ by GhAyAl 2012/06/25 19:20
My greatest fear is losing my family
My greatest fear is losing my friends
My greatest fear is reading a book
And not knowing how it ends

My greatest fear is heights
My greatest fear is clowns
My greatest fear is dark nights
And eerie, strange sounds

My greatest fear is the future
My greatest fear is the past
My greatest fear is yet to come
And is coming in fast

My greatest fear is strangers
My greatest fear is myself
My greatest fear is drunken slurs
And imaginary elves

My greatest fear is others view
My greatest fear is a full moon
My greatest fear is losing you
And leaving me so soon

Blackness Rose- (Nov.30 1991)
footprints 2012/06/25 19:23
Lovely wording.
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.