♥FeaR♥ by GhAyAl 2012/06/25 19:15

Fear is when you run away,
Fear is when you’re scared to love someone,
Fear is when the sky turns grey,
Fear is when you lose your loved ones,
Fear is a feeling of danger,
Fear is when you aren’t brave,
Fear is the feeling of anger,
Fear is when you can’t behave,
Fear is when your shy,
Fear is like not having devotion,
Fear is when you’re afraid of saying bye,
Fear is like a dark blue ocean,
Fear is like ending you’re career,
Fear is like being lonely,
Fear is like not being able to reappear,
Fear is like feeling ghostly,
Fear is like an ashtray,
Fear is like a dark dungeon.

Gerardo pena
Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/26 03:17
Fearz are always chasing us bt we must be hard hearted to play wd our fear try to defeat them and dn,t stop the struggle
#53 Creative Work
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