chocolate.boy 2012/06/19 04:49
With the Salat Islam wants to give spiritual guidance to Muslims. It is an act of worship and is meant to provide disciplinary practice, spiritual nourishment and true motivation (TBI, p. 64).
Prayer is described by both the Qur’an (Surah 9:5, 30:31, 2:3) as well as the Hadith. Muhammad said: "Between a man and apostasy (the act of turning away from one’s religion) there is only the giving up of AS-Salat." (TBI, p. 65) So, every Muslim who gives up prayer is considered an unbeliever.
Muslims believe that the prayers
strengthen the belief in Allah and create the willingness to submit to him
help to focus on good elements in life
are a means of cleanliness, purity and punctuality
bring up good qualities (patience, hope, confidence, gratitude, good manners)
proof the unity of the Islamic brotherhood
The Call to Prayer (Azan)
The call to prayer signals that the time for prayer has arrived. Formerly, this was sounded by the Muezzin from the Minaret (tower) of a mosque but nowadays this is done with loudspeakers. All over the globe, even in a predominantly Christian setting, the five prayer times impress the Islamic challenge from the mosque on the community.
The caller faces the Qiblah (direction to Meccah) and raises both hands to his ears, shouting: "Allahu Akbar".
"On hearing the azan, a Muslim’s heart is filled with the splendour of the call and the glory of Allah. Both the crier and the hearer of azan should make a private petition to God to give all the honour to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) on the Day of Judgement and to allow him to intercede on their behalf for their sins."
TBI, p. 79
The second call announces that the prayer is about to start. The muezzin proclaims the same words as before but faster and with normal voice, adding one verse indicating that the prayer is ready to be performed. Then the Imam starts performing the prayer and all Muslims in that mosque join him.
Women are called to pray too. Usually they will do so at home or in a specific place (room or balcony or even behind the men in the same room). They are not allowed to raise their hands as high as the men in order not to expose parts of their bodies. Men should wait a little to leave their place until the women have left. This is done to keep the men from being distracted in their worship.
chocolate.boy 2012/06/19 04:50
The Performance of Prayer
The recitation of the five daily prayers is accompanied by precisely regulated units of ritual. These units are called Rak’ah.
A Rak’ah is a devotional act consisting of standing, bowing down, standing up, then going down in prostration to the ground, sitting and prostrating again. A full prayer cycle consists of 2, 3 or 4 Rak’ahs. In total each day, the Fardh (prescribed) prayers comprise seventeen Rak’ahs. Muslims believe that the performance of these prayers will be justly rewarded by Allah. To neglect them is to incur his displeasure. (TBI, p. 81).
The Types of Prayers
Salat (the five daily prayer times)
Fardh ‘Ayn (obligatory): the five daily prayers performed by every Muslim individually or as a community in the mosque.
Fardh Kifayah (collective obligation): specific rites for the Muslim community of a town or village. (Folk Islam?)
Sunnah (optional, but following Muhammad’s example): they are highly recommended and seen as meritorious (e.g. (tahjjud) prayer after midnight). (see TBI, p. 81 f.)
Nafilah (supererogatory=done above normal duty): in addition to what is required.
These prayers are conducted to earn God’s pleasure by drawing closer to Him (TBI, p. 82).
Du’a (supplication=a humble and earnest prayer in worship): private prayers when calling God personally either in Arabic or the native language. Muslims raise their hands heavenwards in a sitting position.
The Du'a prayer is more related to our form of prayer. It still is subjected to certain rules, but is voluntary and concerns itself with personal wishes. It may best be described as supplication or invocation, or, more correctly, a blessing. In Surah 14:40 mention is made to both Salat and Du'a:
"O my Lord, make me one who establishes regular prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring, O our Lord! And accept Thou my prayer".
And your Lord says: Call on Me: I will answer your prayer. (Surah 40:60) There is no intermediation necessary . Allah listens and will answer them.
But only lawful prayers and the ones uttered with conviction will be accepted. At specific times there is a greater chance for du’a prayers to be accepted:
immediately after a formal prayer
during the latter part of the night
during Ramadaan
at a time of a good act
during a journey with religious purpose
at the time of prostration of Salat
KingFISHER 2012/06/22 02:08
plain and clear explanation of prayer. May Allah give u a suitable reward.
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