That You by Sumita 2012/06/17 15:23
Deep in my system Beneath
my skin Flowing in my veins
Fastened tight to my heart
Never leaving my thoughts
Is a being i love...and that's
KingFISHER 2012/06/17 15:56
all r moving round that "You".
Wanday 2012/06/18 03:43
.Armaan. 2012/06/18 04:28
yup ,thats me /smiley nice poem
Marlou 2012/06/18 08:27
Nice /smiley
aprillia 2012/06/18 11:32
yaa nice..../smiley
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.