Sweetcapricorn2012/06/15 13:08 Ok what gft u bring for me u knw its my first date ever hmmm and i like gifts a lot.i bring a wrist watch and a sweet perfume
Amorian2012/06/15 13:08 So swty whats ur real name?
Amorian2012/06/15 13:11 Yeah i have sent them to your inbox
Sweetcapricorn2012/06/15 13:16 My name is Rida Malik hmm thanx for sending me to inbox
Sweetcapricorn2012/06/15 13:20 And what do u wait for 10mints wl cme bk-cu- dn,t go
Amorian2012/06/15 13:20 Lol .. Its on the way... So what ur fav colour?