Men get dumber around women by chocolate.boy 2012/06/14 05:14
Men suffer mental decline when around, or even just thinking about women, a new study has revealed.

In the presence of a woman, men sometimes don't know what to say. They just can't think straight when women are around, the New York Daily News reported.

But the same didn't hold true for women, according to the study from Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands, first published online last November.

Researchers compared the findings to a scene in Tolstoy's novel " Anna Karenina," in which a male character, Levi, becomes so nervous trying to think of something to tell a woman, Kitty, that he doesn't recognize a friend who walks by the pond where they''re standing.
GhAyAl 2012/06/14 09:15
Reallly... tat time silence iz better than mes
Marlou 2012/06/14 09:17
Well, thats the w0nder of the world!/smiley
KingFISHER 2012/06/14 09:23
itz confounded.
HandsomeDon 2012/06/14 18:37
wow research says same /smiley/smiley ..
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