5 things. . . . . by
THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/06/11 18:50
1. Total no. Of gfs
2. How many times i eat.
3. Password of my lappy
4. Mob no. (if unknown boy asks)
5. My personal matter.
Actually m quite positive guy.
So it was a hard task 4 me.
To write 5 thing i hate to tell
tulips 2012/06/12 06:54
1.I love to travel and making new aqcuintance
2.when I dont have much to do, I spend my time reading everything that keeps me update around the global.
3.I entertained myself mostly watching youtube and dvd.
4.pizza is my number one favourite foods in my list.
5.I love my pet kitty.
these are the five things I want to share something about me.
Rebellion 2013/03/18 09:47
5 things I hate 2 tell:
1> the time?
2> My Xam result
3> Where i am going
4> What am I doing
and 5> Why don't I study hard!
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