♥I love you, Only you♥ by GhAyAl 2012/06/11 17:39
I never felt a love Like this before
It's a love like no other
Something I have always hoped for

A love that is beautiful From the inside out
A love with no tears, Pain, or doubt

A love with soul So tender and true
A love that I have found Only in you...

I love you..
Only you.
Eleto 2012/06/11 18:45
/smiley Good
HandsomeDon 2012/06/14 02:36
wow nice wordssss ....
aprillia 2012/06/15 13:41
KingFISHER 2012/06/17 15:35
love sum1 4m core of heart.
Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/23 04:17
Ur selectin of words is awsme heart touching-up- love to read ur topics.
#53 Creative Work
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