♥Come CloserTo Me♥ by GhAyAl 2012/06/11 17:26
Come closer to me, my love.
I want your heart next to mine.
Hold me close in a warm embrace,
While our two nude bodies entwine.

You caress my body with your fingertips,
Then slowly your lips meet mine.
I can feel those exotic feelings,
They feel oh, so simply divine.

Come closer to me, my dear.
I have so much love to give.
I want to keep sharing it with you,
As long as we both shall live.
Eleto 2012/06/11 18:46
yu are on a roll bro. keep it up
HandsomeDon 2012/06/14 02:34
nice .... ...
aprillia 2012/06/15 13:53
yup nice....
Etim2 2012/06/16 11:25
So sweet
Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/23 04:19
Waoooooooo lovely.
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.