♥What's in your Heart♥ by GhAyAl 2012/06/09 16:18
True beauty is in the way she laughs
True beauty is in her eyes
True beauty is how she acts
True beauty is inside
True beauty is unseen
True beauty is only felt
True beauty is not mean
True beauty is herself
True beauty can't be cruel
True beauty is bare
True beauty lies within you
True beauty is always there
True Beauty can't be covered with makeup
True beauty means true love
True beauty can't be baked up
True beauty is the flight of a dove
True beauty has no flaws For
True beauty is all that matters after all

By : Ricky Baker
aprillia 2012/06/09 21:28
yupp realy perfect when a women have that all the beauty.
nice shared.

KingFISHER 2012/06/10 05:21
Realy that all beauty does a women have?
GhAyAl 2012/06/10 05:25
Quote: KingFISHER: Realy that all beauty does a women have?
yupp more dan ..u imagine

Eleto 2012/06/10 19:10
Beauty beyond expectation... Hehe. I love it
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