Childhood Animations by Saintless 2012/06/09 07:06
What were your favourite childhood animations? And do you still watch them now? How did you feel when you watch them now that you've grown up? :D
Someone 2012/06/09 07:44
Bugs bunny, Dexter, tom-jerry etc. Still watch cartoons because it makes me laugh like kids /smiley
HandsomeDon 2012/06/09 08:05
they have our pleasure make delight ......
Lelsi 2012/06/09 08:07
I loved to watch The Biskitts, The Smurfs, The Flintstones, and there was also one french cartoon called Il était une fois... la vie (Once Upon a Time... Life), it was telling the story of the human body for children, I never missed to watch it. Now I watch Dora the Explorer with my niece/smiley.
Eleto 2012/06/09 12:37
Quote: Vipul: Bugs bunny, Dexter, tom-jerry etc. Still watch cartoons because it makes me laugh like kids /smiley
same with me

Mahesh 2012/06/09 12:59
Well, I don’t really watch animations that much anymore, but I use to love Mowgli, Pokemon, Dragonball, Voltes V../smiley
don_sheldon 2012/06/09 20:29
fav cartoon was dexters lab,flinstones n the jetsons.still watch cartoon network everyday:flap jack,chowder n adventure time just do it for me.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/06/10 07:28
tom and jerry, the mask, flinstones, johhny quest, dexters laboratory, silver surfer, ben ten /smiley , the jungle book, Ramayana, Swat Cats etc, I loved them all /smiley
InternetLord 2013/06/29 13:18
Tom and jerry and I still watch it /smiley
little_mermaid 2013/06/29 22:48
Spongebob Squarepants /smiley
Nautica 2013/07/01 10:21
Only remember Doraemon /smiley
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/02 08:08
Jungle books,Tom jerry! /smiley
SAFDAR 2014/01/16 23:16
TOm & jerry and chota bheem /smiley
TinHeart 2014/01/17 04:49
DBZ,DB GT,Metropolis,Dexter
Male1974 2014/02/06 05:26
the smurfs,thundercats,tom & jerry. I still watch tom & jerry,dont really like the new thundercats to many cgi. and they still rerun the smurfs where I live but only every now and then.
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