Sheryl Crow has a benign brain tumor by chocolate.boy2012/06/06 19:51 The 50-year-old told an audience about her condition at a recent concert, but her representative, Christine Wolff, said it's very common.
The tumor is a meningioma (men-in-GEE-oh-mah), and it's typically benign and develops from the protective linings of the brain and spinal cord.
Wolff said that Crow is doing great and is healthy and happy.
Crow battled breast cancer several years ago. She's currently on a nationwide tour.
Eleto2012/06/07 06:37 Okay. Nice info. Thanks for posting
InternetLord2013/06/30 10:08 Thanks very much for the post.
_SnOwBoY_2013/07/02 08:09 Thanks for informing us Bro!