Spreading loves Indonesia to India by Apprilla by HandsomeDon 2012/05/27 18:00
Tuhan berikan aku hidup 1x lagi
hanya untuk bersamanya
sungguh mencintainya
rasa ini sungguh tak wajar
namun kuingin terus bersama dia......
untuk selamanya.......
mengapa cinta kita terlarang
saat kuyakin engkaulah milikku
mengapa cinta kita tak pernah bersatu
saat ku yakin tak ada cintaselain dirimu...
HandsomeDon 2012/05/27 18:05
english translation
God give me life 1 more time
only for together with him
i love him
really love him
this feeling really not fair
bt i want only with him forever n ever
why out love forbidden
even i believe ur only for me
why our love cant be unite
even i believe no love except u

HandsomeDon 2012/05/27 18:08
apprilla prepare for his noughty's birthday song but can't able to post,bcz i am ask for so she gives me now i am post here
aprillia 2012/05/27 18:21
the title songs is ''Forbidden Love''
/smiley /smiley /smiley

cmail 2012/05/28 00:13
nice song,beloved appeal makes god restless my mean nice song
Ravikumar08 2012/05/28 01:09
Dragon358 2012/05/28 01:42
Aprillia u mean AKON"S Forbbiden love really good m accept thise one........../smiley/smiley/smiley
Baka 2012/05/28 04:06
/smiley owwhhh gheeeezzz /smiley
Baka 2012/05/28 04:08
Indonesia sebelah mane lo choy? /smiley
aprillia 2012/05/28 08:05
Quote: Baka: Indonesia sebelah mane lo choy? /smiley

sebelah tengah......./smiley
dah gosok gigi lom choy...../smiley

HandsomeDon 2012/05/28 10:54
Quote: aprillia:
sebelah tengah......./smiley
dah gosok gigi lom choy...../smiley

/smiley i only understand there some nice joke passed -hahaha-

aprillia 2012/05/28 13:14
Quote: HandsomeDon:
/smiley i only understand there some nice joke passed -hahaha-

u r right. -hahaha-

Baka 2012/05/28 14:26
Quote: aprillia:
sebelah tengah......./smiley
dah gosok gigi lom choy...../smiley
gw gak pernah gosok gigi
Ni topic soal apaan? nape si bego' ntu bawa2 Indonesia? ^o^

aprillia 2012/05/28 15:56
Quote: Baka: gw gak pernah gosok gigi
Ni topic soal apaan? nape si bego' ntu bawa2 Indonesia? ^o^

najis bgt lu tu ye.....
ampe kpan lo peliara tu jiggong..vomit.
tu cwok tolak cinta gw....../smiley

MAHESH_K 2012/07/19 14:48
Oh i didnt knew about this /smiley thanks a lot handsome bro for the topic n thanks naughty for ur sweet n loving song .rose. /smiley loved it...../smiley
aprillia 2012/07/19 14:58
u'll understand that have deep mean if u felt betwen life n death.
JoE_RocKZ 2012/07/21 13:46
popular song in indonesia..
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/03/24 10:13
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