RAGNORAK'S INTERVIEW-FULL STORY by Amorian2012/05/26 10:01 Below is a summary af the interveiw conducted on ragnorak by 2wap press paper
2wap press:Sir when exactly did you join 2wap world?
Ragnorak:July 2005
2wap press:Sir did you start as just a member and then a mod before finally an admin or it just happendspeedingly?
Ragnorak:I joined as a member having been invited by Hannah, who was 2wap's first admin. I became a moderator about 3 weeks later and an admin 3 months after that
2wap press:What was the online number like then at 2005 2006 2007?
Ragnorak:The online count has varied a lot in 2wap's history. When I first joined it was at about the same level it is now, but the following year it grew and usually there were 60-90 online. However 2wap closed briefly in the middle of 2006 for a script upgrade, and when we reopened the average count was at its lowest point ever for a while. But gradually it increased again until it reached the record which is still visible is Statistics today. The following 2 years or so were also quite strong,but in more recent times we've had a lot more competition from some big players
2wappress:Sir do you at times wish you were just a user?
Ragnorak:Not really. I have taken a break a couple of times in the past but have always continued tobe inextricably bound in spirit by my responsibilities here. I do however like browsing without tools sometimes while still being admin, which I have made possible for staff recently
2wappress: okay sir what are the few challanges you have faced in 2wap over the years or should i say many challanges
Ragnorak:Well when I was given the power to code and make technical improvements to the site it felt like a big challenge at first, but my love for 2wap meant I swiftly learned the intricacies of php and continue to find ways to make the developments I desire to. There were challenges with politics in the past too, which is something my time as admin has given me great experience of.
2wappress: okk sir alot of people realy want to be mods and gain one or two rites to 2ap taht the normal user doesnt have . So sir what are the criterias to be chosen as a mod?
Ragnorak:I've had this question a few times from different people. The main qualities we're looking for are patience, level-headedness, fair-mindedness and a non-partisan attitude, agood knowledge of this site and its features, good manners, trustworthiness, and a decent command of English
2wappress:Okay sir we all know that the number of onlineusers are reducing every day and day .what are you doing to change this cos we look to you as our big DAD here
Ragnorak:We took a big hit recently when everyone's password was changed - more than half have been issued a new password by now, but that still leaves about 40% of our regular visitors who haven't yet logged in again since. We hope these will gradually return and will do whatever we can to verify the identities of those who don't have email etc.
As for the wider picture, we are looking to grow our numbers by enhancing the interconnectedness of 2WapWorld. This process has already begun with the share linksyou see in topics, plus the guest version of the forums means that it's now possible for topicsto feature in search engine results. We want tomake this site a prime hub for sharing news, views and files etc via a mobile. Another avenue to gain momentum is advertising, and a trial run 6 months ago led to us having over 100 users online more than once. We plan to reestablish our campaign once our features have been sufficiently upgraded.
2wappress: okay sir dere recently have been some abusershere lately wat do you hve in mind to @do abt dis
Ragnorak:Abuse is a significant problem for all forum sites. Recently we made it so that new members must have a genuine unique email address in order to login after registering, which does make it much harder for them to keep coming back. We have the option to relaxthis at times such as when we're running an advertising campaign to get new members. We are still looking into other registration methods that would further increase our protection against abuser accounts. Of course we have many more privacy options now than we did 8 months ago, which mean members can opt only to receive messages from friends or block particular users
2wappress:Sir can i go a little private?
Ragnorak:You can try
2wappress:Are you married?
Ragnorak:No, I'm yet to have that experience
2wappress:But are you engaged?
2wappress:Sir for the benefit of doubt when is your exact birthday date and how old are you sir?
Ragnorak:20th January 1980, which makes me 32.
2wappress:Finally sir what do u have to say about this new interveiw concept?
Ragnorak:I think it's fun. I look forward to the day when bigger names than myself will be interviewed here
2wappress:Yaeh perharps gumslone
above is the coplete interview on ragnorak live 28/5/2012.
NOW SELECT YOUR NEXT GUEST TO BE INTERVIEWED. If you got any questions you want answers to pls post it
Dashman2012/05/26 10:26 He is 1 of the powerfull person on 2wap . So don't be nervous .
hope we got some breaking news thru yr interview. Best luck
Sumita2012/05/26 11:22 hehehe .bpeace. me not able2see interview -luk- looking...
Sweetcapricorn2012/05/27 06:59 Amorian now you selected a nice person RAGNORAK .good decision now i'm waiting for the next story.gud job Amorian keep it up. And plz take interview of all admins.
HandsomeDon2012/05/27 09:01 wow Welldone job all wap interesting to know what type heart behind 2wap.when admin interested then likes wise clever intetiewer knows all about admin rognorak's life related and site' related every aspects. admin Ragnorak is our family member so wanna to know childhood times,primary school to higher education,also we interested to know timelines from birthday to upto here. just round ways questions such that a vivid character reveals out clearly. focus on life's happy and sad moments.also try to clear real life to net life. now we have golden chance such type chance never finds throughout net life keep in mind.prepare lists already what to asks so a healthy character sketch come out. .run.
trakkerterrorist2012/05/28 08:49 great job but let read the word failures n letter mistakes.
_EdGE_2012/05/28 09:00 May be it's me, Amorian for the next interview bt i m not so popular. And exclusive as u r searching for
Dashman2012/05/28 09:17 I read it , i think he is answering very diplomats way. 2wap user expecting more strong words against abusers . They disturb any1 even staff not provide security.
latest example . Miss manal .
anyway i m satisfied with recent change but not optimistic 4 current situation.
well done amour
_rOcK_2012/05/28 10:44 i nominate epic or vipul for next guest...
HandsomeDon2012/05/28 11:18 now next turn our admin sis fu9it1v3 and also includes our question .those question make vivid and clear picture about admin's character.
Sweetcapricorn2012/05/28 11:58 Take interview of starting form alphabet A to Z all the memberz of the site.lol.
Quote: -linda-: haha. is this real interview? i dont think so. doesnt sound real and many wrong spelling words and your interview doesnt sound professional
Baka2012/05/28 14:34 i dont see any Ragnorak being interviewed i only see your post, your post and your post cmon! stop joking arround!
KingFISHER2012/05/28 14:41 Oh! Nice info i ve got of liam sir through ur interview. Thank u Ragnorak sir for spared his time for had with us.
Boet2012/05/28 18:41 It's always a revelation to see clear and direct answers given in an interview. Well done from interviewer and interviewee. I think the persona of Ragnorak was brought closer to all members.
Quote: HandsomeDon: now next turn our admin sis fu9it1v3 and also includes our question .those question make vivid and clear picture about admin's character.
It will make vivid and clear picture about my character? They will, really? Oh my I can't wait then, since I'm still trying to figure out my own character too