I call it words!!:-) by Eleto 2012/05/24 11:03
Knowing the way is like being a child…”
“Laughing and crying all day without being hoarse…
“Small people hate loneliness but masters make it their home…
“Her Home” Her source” “Her Mother”
For she knows it allow her to be one with the universe”

The Entire world is driven by a will: “Blind and Ruthless”
In other to transcend the limitation of physical world…
One must cease desiring, “and become what we desire”
“And become what we desire”
To conquer others is to “wield power”
But to conquer our self is to know the way”
Ravikumar08 2012/05/24 11:11
:: Hmmm ::
Eleto 2012/05/24 11:13
Quote: Ravikumar08: :: Hmmm ::
/smiley thanks for viewing

Eternal_Knight 2012/05/24 13:33
-up- nice topic./smiley
KingFISHER 2012/05/25 16:45
Its pplz nature that try to transcend some things bt everythng has sum limit which pplz cant cease.

THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/05/25 18:24
yup. /smiley
GhAyAl 2012/05/25 20:00
I call it maturity
Mischa 2012/05/26 01:56
so what are you trying to say to others/share then? i didnt really get what you mean. hmm. you cant conquer other people with power only. anyway why do you want to conquer others. to conquer ourself is to know the way. know the way of what? how to life? know the journey? plan ahead?
Mischa 2012/05/26 01:57
i mean to say how to *live?
Quote: Mischa: so what are you trying to say to others/share then? i didnt really get what you mean. hmm. you cant conquer other people with power only. anyway why do you want to conquer others. to conquer ourself is to know the way. know the way of what? how to life? know the journey? plan ahead?

Eleto 2012/05/28 12:13
Quote: Mischa: so what are you trying to say to others/share then? i didnt really get what you mean. hmm. you cant conquer other people with power only. anyway why do you want to conquer others. to conquer ourself is to know the way. know the way of what? how to life? know the journey? plan ahead?
to conquer others is to weild power, and to conquer yourself is to know the way to wisdom...

Eleto 2012/05/28 13:59
Quote: Eternal_Knight: -up- nice topic./smiley
thank you

Sweetcapricorn 2012/05/31 15:02
Gud one Eleto keep it up/smiley
Waves 2012/06/05 21:37
true true
#53 Creative Work
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