Small quote from Bhagwat Geeta by Eternal_Knight 2012/05/10 11:44
Lord Krishna from the Essence of Bhagavad Gita
Whatever has happened, has happened well,
whatever is happening, is happening well,
whatever is going to happen, will happen well.
what did you lose? what are you crying for?
what did you bring into this world for you to lose it?
what ever did you create for it to bewasted?
what ever you took was taken fromhere.
what ever you gave was given here.
what is yours today will belong to someone else tomorrow.
and the day after tomorrow it will belong to someother person
this is the way of this world.
Fremder_Aryan 2012/05/13 12:44
nice topic thanx for shere.

nothing-is-over 2012/05/13 12:45
(hindu) hare krishna
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