KeyBoard Pants! by _rOcK_ 2012/05/02 19:36

Now thats some real geek stuff you want to have if you are geekly crazy.


Keyboard pants is there for you which carries keyboard with itself so you need not to carry your keyboard with yourself.


Your pants is your keyboard.
This pant contains keyboard imprinted over it and there are buttons which can be actually pressed and it feels as easy as a real keyboard.


The keyboard has built in bluetooth and mouse plus speakers. So all you need to do is to connect your PC or laptop via bluetooth to your jeans and there you go!


Erik de Nijs who is the creator of this jeans says that these are just prototypes for now and surely they will catch the market soon as it will hit the stores. :)
Eternal_Knight 2012/05/03 04:46
I dont want this.. Its crazy..

Are they waterproof.

fu9it1v3 2012/05/03 07:24
... Then I have to strip off my pants every time I want to type or do something with my laptop? As in stripping my pants should I want to work with my laptop in Starbucks and such? And if you take a good look you'll see some buttons which are being placed in... /smiley Uh, I'm not sure I want to hear my pants singing songs, most of all I don't want it start to sing "I'm a big big girl... in a big big world..." So not for me no, thank you. /smiley
Rebel-Blood 2012/05/03 10:38
does it have Radiation.?
if yes it wil affect my ./smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/05/03 10:47
/smiley interesting but not sure how much it will appeal to the common mass.
HandsomeHeart 2012/05/03 16:54
interesting info soon keyboard have no need try to put chip in our head
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