Batman Arkham Asylum by _Sid_ 2012/05/02 09:18
Anyone who plays this game?Plz reply..
Jill 2012/05/02 09:33
NinthElement 2012/05/02 12:40
I've heard very good things about this game, will see about installing it soon.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/05/11 09:45
Looking forward to this game. Hope i get it soon.
-Redzaert- 2013/09/23 23:54
Finished this game, other than that I didn't enjoy it
NinthElement 2015/01/29 05:45
Last month I played through it and reached the ending. Brilliant game. It's a mix of exploration, hand-to-hand combat and "predator" set-pieces where you have to use stealth to take out a number of heavily-armed goons. Batman's superb martial arts skills are made simple for the player to execute with attack, counter-attack, stun and evade buttons, all of which you'll need to master the timing of along with special weapons such as batarangs. Plenty of imagination has gone into the game, from the way the goons react when you pick them off in stealth mode to the sometimes mind-blowing boss sequences. This is a must for any gamer, and if you're a Batman fan too then you'll appreciate it even more as the first game to genuinely capture and convey the feeling of "being" the Dark Knight. I've downloaded the sequel Arkham City which I've heard is even better, so looking forward to making time for that.
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