Step Up ! Speak Up by GhAyAl 2012/04/24 17:13
And somewhen, somewhere, someone will just step into your life, will leave footprints in your heart,

changes everything, makes you feel nothing else matters anymore and you start loosing control about your mind...

it's the moment when you start doubting about everything you had before...

And when this person comes you can't do anything about, nothing will be like before...

and you realize why it has never worked with someone else... For it's fate, for it's meant to be...

And even if it's not, make sure you never leave your feelings unexpressed..

.in the end what else hurts more than living with words in your heart you didn't speak out...
Sweetcapricorn 2012/04/24 17:39
All flowerz dn,t represent love
bt rose did it
all birds can,t speak bt parrot did it
smetime unsaid words have their own importance
when we found nö clue
jst thnk speaking out make
u in a great trouble that trouble is

KingFISHER 2012/04/25 05:51
True lover nvr stopped ownself s/he must express her/him feeling to lovely 1.

Lelsi 2012/04/25 10:44
That's so true, when you meet someone special, someone who makes your heart beat faster and makes you feel great, show your feelings, because if you keep silent you might regret for the rest of your life.
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