A SERIOUS MATTER ASKIN FOR LOOK INTO by Hkhan 2012/04/22 09:23
A GROUP of 5 6 2wappers has got like a monopoly on here, having enjoy the aiding hands of an admin of the site supporting them in their wrongs as their right in order to obtain each others help...

This monopoly disgrase 2wap and no new user/s like to stick around. Last week i had invited some friends here to use forums from an othr site that has cutted off the forums, and there all forums lovers were seeking a forums based site. So i have took it as an opportunity to show them 2wap,s way, but im sorry to say they were disappointed by the behavioure of this admin and his friends. Also they had read my pro and told me that after got such a badly treat, why are you still sticking here. I TOLD THEM MY LOVE FOR THIS SITE. They had laugh and said you can stay bt we can't. . .
Rag and gumslone should take monopolists to distroy or else they would cost 2wap!
KingFISHER 2012/05/21 02:37
Quote: jacki: n0w lets w8 for Rakn0rag /smiley untill we are still alive n kicking!

its very bad practice to misspell sumones nick intentionally. Dont take evrything as a jocking matter.be matured.

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