Interview Palava by
Okikiola 2012/04/19 17:49
Officer What is your name?
Candidate M P. Sir.
Officer Tell me properly.
Candidate Modape Pakurumo Sir.
Officer Your fathers name?
Candidate M P. Sir.
Officer What does that mean?
Candidate Moshood Pakurumo Sir.
Officer Your native place.
Candidate M P. Sir.
Officer Is it Makurdi Purum?
Candidate No, Minna Port Sir.
Officer What Is Your Qualification?
Candidate M P. Sir.
Officer (Angrily) What is it?
Candidate Metric Pass.
Officer So why do you need a job?
Candidate M P sir.
Officer Meaning?
Candidate Money problem sir
Officer What's your personality?
Candidate MP sir.
Officer Would you explain yourself and stop wasting my time?
Candidate Monacrotic personality.
Officer I see. I will get back to you.
Candidate So sir, how's my MP?
Officer And what's that again?
Candidate My performance.
Officer MP!!!
Candidate Meaning?
Officer Mental Problem.teeth.
SoA 2012/04/20 16:07
And that's how members of parliament interviewed -lmao1-
Trax 2012/04/22 03:48
superb joke (lol)
Rebellion 2013/02/12 04:30
MP .....My pleasure .lol2.
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