BB 8520, Reload software: 552 by manjsrecord 2012/04/13 18:20
I restarted my bb curve8520 an discover dat it can't start up again,but only showin me, "reload software 552".

I need steps 2 take, 2 help me reload OS v5.0 or higher, if eny 1 knwz sould pls post it in here. Thank's
Someone 2012/04/15 09:14
I found following info from BB forum. I hope this info is helpful for you.

You can reload your BlackBerry Device Software yourself if you have access to a computer and an internet connection.

This article provides the steps to back up your data and reload your BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Desktop Software.

Once the software reload has finished and you've verified that the error message is no longer there, you can restore your backup file by following the steps in this article.

manjsrecord 2012/04/16 16:43
Thank's vipal i will get back 2u ones i have it done
manjsrecord 2012/04/20 11:49
Vipul u ar d man(y)thank it is now working but I 4got 2 backup my data/smiley nd now dey ar all gone, how ever I will down loud them back/smiley. Think ones again.
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